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In the sense that diversity means both diversity of talent and actual diversity of content, Downton Abbey is as much of a demographically specific event movie as Hustlers or Get Out.ĭownton Abbey absolutely qualifies as a glorified “party movie” for adult women, the kind of splashy, enjoyable, conflict-lite ensemble flick that counts as unapologetic escapism along the lines of Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, Ocean’s 8, Hustlers, Bad Moms and Girls Trip. It’s a movie for adults, which doesn’t always mean “extreme” or “challenging” content. It works for fans and those who just want a relaxing, PG-rated period piece dramedy with good actors (Hugh Bonneville, Laura Carmichael, Jim Carter, Maggie Smith, Michelle Dockery, etc.) and colorful characters which doesn’t involve explosions or carnage (spoiler: the Downton Abbey staff does not go Ghost Ship on the royal employees). I wouldn’t be shocked if it legged out beyond the hardcore fanbase.

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